Pre-trusses ... photos to follow....
Team building a water diversion trench with earth bags, rebar and chicken wire. |
Wow! What a hard working crew. The team has been working full on. Up at 5:30 - get on site and give'er till breakfast at 10:00 - work some more in the heat of the day until the sun goes down, eat dinner and crawl into into their tents. Lots of sweat but no tears. Well maybe a few from Tim. One more day of welding and the trusses will be done. Everyone was excited today to see the building actually take shape with the trusses coming together. They are proud and so they should be.
Tim is working without a welders helmet, only goggles or body protection, he's burnt his face, arms and chest pretty good. Today he's wearing arm shields made of rice bags protect himself. Fortunately he bought a face mask in Kathmandu.
The Brown family leave the team tomorrow so there was a little good-bye gathering tonight. We've lost our photo downloader Wanda, she's not on the project anymore and had the foresight to purchase a data plan that allowed her to send out the photos you've seen so far. After we wrap here we'll be able to bring everyone in the loop with visuals when we get back to Kathmandu. No internet makes for great therapy for anyone wanting to kick the habit.
Tomorrow all the trusses should be completed and we'll move on to another building, the round building you've seen in photos needs the roof fixed up. Right now it's in bad shape and the earth bags are getting wet. We'll have that all fixed up before we leave.
Next year we need a lot more time here. We need tools!!!!! A list is being compiled of equipment that is much needed to keep these projects going safely and more efficiently.
Great things are happening here. Please help and donate!!
First Steps Himalaya The Montessori tools that were donated to the school are hugely appreciated. There will be stories and photos to show once we get organized. Right now building is everyone's priority.
Peak Freaks